From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Sun Dec 01 1996 - 01:42:42 MST

Chris Hind wrote:
> >Sad that they have chosen to end human existence rather than to tap
> >our unlimited potential for change and growth.
> HAHAHAHA, who cares? What losers! The pleasure of copulating has far more
> memetic power than a stupid little motive. Their meme is _really_ weak,
> almost nonexistent. They're OBVIOUSLY a _blatant_ deadend evolutionary
> path. Why should we feel sorry for blatant stupidity?

I've found that some of the more militant homosexual individuals I've
come in contact with embrace this sort of meme as a sort of
justification for their lives. They refer to heteros as "breeders" with
a note of distain, get into the whole vegan, treehuggin, fur painting,
hyper luddite way of life....

			Michael Lorrey
Northstar Technologies		Agent
Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
Inventor, Webmaster, Ski Guide, Entrepreneur, Artist, 
Outdoorsman, Libertarian, Certified Genius.

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