Re: Transforming Ourselves

From: Max M (
Date: Mon Nov 18 1996 - 16:53:17 MST

New Media Director



This is my way cool signature message!!

> In the short term, intelligent machines will be a great benefit to
> especially to intelligent humans who know how to use them. There will be
> reasonable way to see these machines as a threat to humanity in any
> sense.


> To them, the typical human will seem far more
> entropic than mass murdering psychopaths seem to us. We are terribly
> inefficient and wasteful of energy and matter, in terms of the amount of
> cognition and intelligence that our bodily and mental sytems produce with

> regards to how much matter and energy it requires to maintain the systems
> are (in comparison to projected future beings

No i don't buy that one. We don't use energy per se. we live of the
difference between the energy radiated to earth and the heath being spilled
into space. If these robots live in space there will be a lot more energy
from the sun to use, than the puny amounts of fossils and radioactives that
we are using.

> Another thing these systems are likely to do is turn off the sun, if
> The sun wastes far more energy than us puny humans, so they will
> destroy that horribly wasteful fusion reaction first, if possible

well that might be a reasonable argument.

> Eventually, humans will interfere quite a lot with the goals of these
> intelligent beings, who will think no more of destroying humans than we
do of
> brushing our teeth or washing our hands, killing millions of bacteria.
> - David Musick

The weakest point i can see in your argument is that you see these highly
developed creatures as one networked *character*. But why shouldn't they
develop different races with different goals. Robots that are good for
mining hydrogen from Jupiter won't be shaped the same as robots making
solar energy on the moon.

Even if these robots would have a tendency to coorporate against the the
humans, the speed of light could put an end to that. The robots would be
spread out over the entire solar system or more. It will take hours or days
for any signal traveling between the robots. They would probably comunicate
thru something akin to cellular phone systems. Or else there will be to
many robots and to little bandwith. This would make any signal take even
longer to reach every bot.
Even a simple hard/soft-ware error could isolate colonies of robots.
If you put that in the context of what new development would take place and
at what speed in the singularity, robots would soon have evolved
differently in different habitats. Just imagine the difference between
robots close to the sun and robots far away. There's a lot of different
habitats even in space.
Computer simulations runing at speeds orders of magnitudes faster than
realtime would make new design advance several generations before commiting
to hardware.
I simply don't believe that it is possible for any robots to be a
homogenous mass. Some would want to put out the sun, but others might need

They would probably fight between themself. Well they might even stop to
worrying about us. Like when to human nations fight and are to busy doing
that to kill of other *inferior* lifeforms.

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