WWW/FWD: Electric Minds

From: Alexander Chislenko (alexc@firefly.net)
Date: Tue Nov 12 1996 - 10:01:33 MST

>From Mercury Mail
(full story at http://www.merc.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=494449-a0b )

Electric Minds, Inc., Monday released Electric Minds (www.minds.com),
an online site where experts and knowledge seekers gather to share
news, analysis and opinion about technology and its affect on peoples'
lives. Its creators said Electric Minds is striving to move the web
from a publishing medium into a social medium by integrating content
creation, context and conversations.


    High-Profile Contributors

    Electric Minds content contributors are a veritable "Who's Who" of Web
thinkers, technologists and futurists. Each contributor has two primary
responsibilities: the creation of articles and editorial material and the
facilitation of online conversations between Electric Minds participants.
    Contributors include: Mark Pesce, co-creator of VRML (Virtual Reality
Modeling Language), Laura Lemay, author of several best-selling books about
Java and Web authoring, Linda Jacobson, Virtual Reality evangelist for Silicon
Graphics, Bob Rossney, recently the online columnist at the Chronicle, Tim
Oren, former executive vice president of CompuServe, Jamais Cascio, technology
director at The Global Business Network, a well-known think tank, Mark
"Spoonman" Petrakis, producer of several multimedia theater events including
"The Cobra Lounge," and a worldwide network of conversationalists from
England, France, Japan, Holland, Australia and the U.S.

Alexander Chislenko <sasha1@netcom.com> www.lucifer.com/~sasha/home.html
Firefly Network, Inc.: <alexc@firefly.net> www.ffly.com 617-234-5452

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