Re: Upload thought experiment

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Tue Nov 05 1996 - 22:27:03 MST

On 05/11/96, James Rogers wrote:

>If the apparatus is actually uploading *your* stream of consciousness, is it
>possible for it to exist in two places at the same time?
>Isn't having a single stream of consciousness and having two simultaneous
>instances of a single stream mutually exclusive?
>Which instance is really *your* stream of consciousness?

        These questions have come up multiple times on the list; I thought I
had answered them, but obviously not well enough. Michael Lorrey did a good
job of explaning, but I'll still try to point out *my* thoughts. Here goes
(in the shortest, most precise words I can find):

        Yes, it is possible for *your* consciousness to exist in two places
at one time. Each independent consciousness that acknowledges itself as
*yours* will carry on as if it is *you*. However, each consciousness that
acknowledges itself as *yours* will have different experiences, ultimately
leading to a renewed stream of consciousness. As Michael said, it is
potentially a 'budding' system where all consciousnesses are created as
identical replicas of *you* but stray away to become different *yous* based
on their individual experiences. Okay, so the words weren't so short or
precise...but it's the *thought* that counts --pun intended! :-)

                                        Ingredi Externus!

                                                -E. Shaun Russell

E. Shaun Russell Extropian poet\musician

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