Re: Sacred Cows

From: Dr. Rich Artym (
Date: Sat Nov 02 1996 - 06:08:50 MST

In message <>,
Damien Broderick replies:

> >It goes without
> >saying that I also have a zillion others cows around the place as well,
> >no doubt. It's a veritable farm, but I should also say that compared
> >to some it is barely a window-box
> That's `window-ox'. :)

Hehe! Nice one.

We get so serious on this list. I think it's been a good few months
since I last fell off my chair in hysterics while reading our ditties;
it's good to see the occasional joke or double meaning to lighten the
proceedings. It's anybody's guess what transhuman/posthuman comedy will
be like, but I would hazard to suggest that laughing at oneself and the
irony of events in the universe will always have appeal to at least that
section of transhumanity that continues to focus outwards and transform
the universe, since almost by definition that holds the comic/incongrous
/ironic vision of the tail wagging the dog. That's good, in my worldview.


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