From: Ian Goddard (igoddard@erols.com)
Date: Wed Oct 30 1996 - 15:00:42 MST

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                    F O R M E R P R E S I D E N T S

                          J U S T S A Y N O

                     T O H O P E & H E A L I N G

        by Ian Williams Goddard

        Former presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and George
        Bush stood shoulder to shoulder in a joint letter stating
        that they ``categorically oppose'' access to cannabis
        medical therapies for the ill, which will become legal
        in California if Proposition 215 passes and in Arizona
        if Proposition 200 passes there. [1]

        Even as cannabis has been found to be ``probably the
        most potent anti-epileptic known to medicine today [2],''
        according to Dr. Van Sim, and even as it has been found
        to stop epileptic seizures in children not responding
        to legal drug therapies [3], these former presidents
        fear that medical access would send the message to
        children, true as it may be, that cannabis is safe.

        Our compassionate former presidents would rather send
        the message to children that allowing epileptic chil-
        dren to suffer seizures is safe; that allowing glaucoma
        patients to go blind is safe; that throwing sick people
        into dungeons is safe; that relocating peaceful portions
        of the population into labor camps, dubbed "boot camps,"
        is safe; that the proliferation of prisons and police-
        state powers to advance a pogrom of prosecution upon
        peaceful people is safe. In short, our former presi-
        dents wish to send the message to children that
        a future of police-state fascism is safe.

        Cannabis kills zero people every year, yet over the
        last bloody century, police-state fascism, in the
        advance of various police-state pogroms designed to
        persecute peaceful people, has led to the mass murder
        of millions upon millions. Now, here in the U.S., not
        only are nonviolent drug users being relocated into
        prison labor camps, but even leaders of the Drug War
        have called for the systematic extermination of non-
        violent drug users. For example, former Los Angeles
        Police Chief Daryl Gates, who founded the anti-drug
        program D.A.R.E., which is taught in schools across
        the nation, stated in September of 1990 that "Casual
        drug users ought to be taken out and shot." [4]

        Let us turn our back on police-state brutality and
        let us instead take a stand for the sick, for medical
        freedom of choice, alas for the future of freedom itself.
        Let us just say no to police-state fascism and yes to
        healing and hope. Hear the cry for freedom and justice:

        California: vote YES on Proposition 215.
        Arizona: vote YES on Proposition 200.

 IAN GODDARD <igoddard@erols.com> Q U E S T I O N A U T H O R I T Y
 VISIT Ian Goddard's Universe -----> http://www.erols.com/igoddard

        [1] "Three Former U.S. Presidents Oppose Medical
        Marijuana Measures," Associated Press (10/30/96).
        [2] The Great Drug War, Macmillan Publishing, 1987.
        [3] FEDERATION PROCEEDINGS, "Antiepileptic Action
        of Marijuana-Active Substances," 1949, 8: 284-5.
        [4] Not only did Drug War leader Daryl Gates call
        for the mass murder of millions, but former Drug
        Czar and Drug War leader Bill Bennett is know to
        have said that drug users should be beheaded.

        For many facts on medical uses of cannabis visit:


(c) 1996 Ian Williams Goddard - (*) free to copy nonprofit w/ attribute.

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