Re: Artists and Engineers

From: Alexander Chislenko (
Date: Tue Oct 29 1996 - 19:30:18 MST

I prefer drawing distinctions along functional lines.

Here are my two distinctions for art and technology:

1. In every action, there is a purpose, and there is a method.
   Or "how" and "why". "how" is the domain of technology.
   For example, how to mix paints, or how to tie your dancing shoes.

2. The _purpose_ may be to create something

   a) enjoyable or
   b) useful

  useful means that at some other stage it will hopefully be used
  for creating something enjoyable; that's an intermediate product;
  we never consume those.

  "useful" belongs to domain of economics, and is counted on the
  monetary or project-management scale. "enjoyable" is art and is
  counted by the human internal emotional machinery.
  Some art forms may be perceived through physical senses; others,
  like philosophical ideas or elegant designs, should be downloaded
  through a semantic interface and digested before they can produce
  the joy.
  Food is an interesting example here - some of its function is
  body economics (parts that get absorbed through intestines),
  another - the parts that cross *your [consciousness]* border,
  are [culinary] art.

Alexander Chislenko <>
Firefly Network, Inc.: <> 617-234-5452

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