Re: The Poor Masses

From: Dr. Rich Artym (
Date: Sat Oct 26 1996 - 19:50:52 MDT

In message <>, Eric Watt Forste writes:

> It seems to me that in the long run 100% decentralization would
> result in the disintegration of the individual into freely roving
> subcognitive computational elements. Are you sure this is the kind
> of future you want to work for?

Hehe! Or indeed, into freely roving cells, or perhaps chromosomes,
or DNA molecules; or (shucks), give independence to quarks or strings!

Mind you, I don't think that this is what the original suggestion was
about. We're talking about decentralization within human social systems,
which reach 100% decentralization once the unit of granularity considered
is the human individual. That is indeed the kind of future I want to
work for.


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