FWD: Call for Papers: The Politics of Cyberspace

From: Alexander 'Sasha' Chislenko (sasha1@netcom.com)
Date: Wed Oct 23 1996 - 02:23:15 MDT

Thought somebody may be interested in writing for it.
Or maybe we can write something together...

>From: kerry miller <astingsh@KSU.EDU>
>Subject: Call for Papers: The Politics of Cyberspace (fwd)
> Call for Papers: The Politics of Cyberspace
> Submitted by: Chris Toulouse <urbsoc@gramercy.ios.com>
> The journal NEW POLITICAL SCIENCE is planning a special issue on THE
>POLITICS OF CYBERSPACE for its Fall 1997 issue. The editors are Chris
>Toulouse (Hofstra University) and Tim Luke (Virginia Tech).
> Any matter of relevance to the general field will be considered,
>although we want to give preference to articles exploring the impact of
>the world wide web on the political process. Submissions should take the
>form of an article, no longer than 25 double-spaced pages (excluding
>endnotes). The deadline for submissions is January 31st 1997.
>Submissions will be referred to two anonymous referees (in the
>conventional academic fashion) and authors will be contacted by March 1st
>1997. Since this is an issue on cyberspace we hope to be able to upload
>the articles to the forthcoming New Political Science web site. This
>would provide authors with the opportunity to embed hyperlinks within
>their articles and take full advantage of the web as a publishing
Alexander Chislenko <sasha1@netcom.com> www.lucifer.com/~sasha/home.html
Firefly Network, Inc.: <alexc@firefly.net> www.ffly.com

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