Re: Conspiracy FACT vs GOVT Fabrication

From: Kyle L. Webb (
Date: Sun Oct 20 1996 - 19:46:20 MDT

> FACT 4: Toxicologist Dr. William Marcus, testified at the congressional
> hearings on Waco that the CS molecule contains a "cyanide radical" that
> could have been transdermally absorbed by the children due to their thin
> skin. CS also converts to hydrogen cyanide upon heating. In fact, surviving
> bodies where found to contain very high levels of cyanide. Dr. Marcus also
> observed that CS is a heavy particle that is suspended in the air like a
> gas only for a brief period when carried by the flammable and toxic agent
> methyl chloride, thus CS particles fall quickly to the ground. The FBI
> calculated that if spread evenly over the known sq. feet of indoor space,
> the tons of CS pumped in should not have exceeded safe levels. But this
> is a deception because, as CS quickly falls, very high concentrations
> would be found toward the floor along with the children and fallen
> adults, in fact, 10 to 100x higher than if uniformly distributed.

I've used CS quite a good many times in military training. One of the standard
means of dispersal is a burning type grenade. While in Korea I set up tear
gas chambers for NBC defense training where the method for dispersal was to
use CS powder heated over an open flame. In both cases I have stood in the
resulting aerosol sans mask for extended periods (once you're used to it, CS
is not all that incapacitating even in pretty high levels). I daresay that if
there were significant levels of cyanide generated from heating of CS in a
normal flame, I would have seen the gray skin, and malaise that comes with
cyanide poisoning.
On the other hand, many plastics, synthetic fabrics and other household items
do generate cyanide in good quantity when exposed to fire. It's one of the
major toxins that cause "death from smoke inhalation" in household and other
fires. So I'm not terribly surprised that the bodies would show high cyanide
levels. That's quite common if the death is from smoke inhalation.

Kyle L. Webb Dept. of Physics + Astronomy University of New Mexico

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