Cryonic Poetry..."A Frozen Lullaby"

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Sun Oct 20 1996 - 14:41:43 MDT


The world seems a little brighter today
For I've found a long-life tonic
A way to live forever:
A perpetual cryonic

I'll have my immortality
In every sight I see
And my soul shall be preserved
For the purposes it's deserved

For my life is fully insured
And my will is firmly secured
Because at Alcor Industries
They'll put my brain in a deep freeze

I'm now awake, but when I die
Sing me a frozen lullaby
For when they bring me back again
I'll never again feel pain

Now I can live my life to the full,
All I need within my skull
Eat my cake and have it too
Feel my death and still live through

And when they put my head on ice
It will be my being at a bargain price
There's nothing else of great import
Nothing's better than life-support!

I'm now awake, but when I die
Sing me a frozen lullaby
For when they bring me back again
I'll never again feel pain
They'll put my mind in a vat
And I'll get my tit for tat
For another sixty years I'll remain...
Then I'll do it all again!

                                                     By: E. Shaun Russell

        Any comments or criticisms are muchly appreciated!


E. Shaun Russell Extropian poet\musician

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