Re: Emotions "vestigial"? was Re: On being Extropian

Date: Sun Oct 20 1996 - 02:36:18 MDT

Ian says:
>You falsely divide the world into "logic" and "emotion." What about
knowledge? Yes, "with logic alone you can [only] calculate outcomes from
premises." Likewise, with emotion alone you can only react.>

No, with emotion you can create. You can generate. You can luminate. With
emotions you can fulfill and enrichen. You can move and you can soar. Passive
reacting is a kind of limited way of knowing how one feels. : o )
Of course one can't always help having reactive ones, but that is not
indicative of a finely tuned set of emotions. In a well balanced, non
reactive type B person, most emotions are useful, some of them are
essential, and many are helpful and well suited to the task at hand. If
emotions have a bad rap in the world, it is precisely because people think
they are at the mercy of them... probably because it's real hard work ( and
it takes honesty, not just a bunch of hours at a keyboard or board meeting)
to do the homework to integrate them successfuly.

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