the Turing test

From: Lyle Burkhead (
Date: Thu Oct 17 1996 - 18:33:50 MDT

Ira Brodsky says:
> I can verify that Chris Hind is very much human and
> way above anything yet achieved by AI.

To repeat: the program has a front man. The fact that Chris Hind is a
real person proves nothing. Of course he is real. So are we all. The
question is whether the posts attributed to "Chris" (or "Lyle" or "John")
are written by an AI.

As I said in my original post,

::The Extropians have accepted it as part of the group. No one notices
::anything different about it -- no one has seriously raised the question of
::whether it might not be what it purports to be, i.e. just another human.
::In other words, this program has passed the Turing test, so far.

This remains true. Even after being told that there is an AI on the list,
no one has seriously raised the question of whether one of the posters
on the list is an AI. Jokingly, yes. Seriously, no.

The program continues to pass the test with flying colors.

Ira, how can you confidently say "way above anything yet achieved
by AI?" You only know what has been achieved in the past.
The point is, this program from CMU is *new*. It is a quantum leap
beyond earlier AI programs. This is the first time an AI program
has been unleashed on an unsuspecting world, and left to fend for itself.
And it is doing very well.


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