Re: On being Extropian ( was Eagles and Parrots)

From: Chris Hind (
Date: Mon Oct 14 1996 - 13:53:09 MDT

>>>If being extropian means checking my emotions at the door, than,
>>>fine, I should seek other fora.
> No, it doesn't mean you should check your emotions at the door. It
>appears to me, you are checking *other* peoples' emotions at the door. I
>think people have a right to their opinions. This list is for people to
>discuss their *extropian* opinions.

I've been going over thoughts such as these and have concluded that there
are multiple values creating conflicts on this list, to name a few:

Message Depth vs Message Bredth
Confirm Beliefs vs Evolve Beliefs
Emotion over Logic vs Logic over Emotion

I agree with everything on the right side of those listed. And my belief is
that we should think logically and then act emotionally as opposed to act
emotionally then logically. Emotion over Logic leads to violent outbursts of
emotion which usually leads to nothing but arguments leading nowhere. Using
logic to think and then act with emotion is the better more rational route.
All this points to EQ I suppose. Emotion is mere entertainment from my
viewpoint. Emotion comes from the ancient reptilian brain deep within your
cranium where logic is fresh and new and one of the higher forms of thought
to help us rationalize and use tools. Why deny the fact that emotion is
vistigial (sp?) and only for mere entertainment now that we have logic?

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