On Being Extropian

From: David Musick (David_Musick@msn.com)
Date: Mon Oct 14 1996 - 02:05:29 MDT

Art is the expression of our deepest values.

Some value beauty, and they create beautiful objects.

Some value grace, and they move their bodies fluidly, with elegance.

Some value clarity, and they develop a deeper understanding of the world.

Some value efficiency, and they create machines to accomplish their goals.

Art is the expression of our deepest values.

We create technology, as a form of art.

Our technology is an expression of what we value.

Our Civilization is a result of Humanity expressing its values.

Civilization is an art form which humans create.

Art is the expression of our deepest values.

Extropians value Extropy.

We value intelligence, creativity, complexity.

The Extropian life is an art form.

We use our lives to increase Extropy in all we can.

To be fully Extropian is the greatest challenge.

It means far more than simply being excited about the future and new

It requires a deep commitment to the Extropian Values.

It requires an intense self-discipline, to be clear about our values and to
express them skillfully.

Art is the expression of our deepest values,

And the Extropian life is a form of art.

- David Musick

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