Re: Mailing List Quality

From: Greg Stock (
Date: Mon Oct 07 1996 - 15:36:33 MDT

>At 10:21 PM 01/10/96 -0700, Greg Stock wrote:
>>One reason the quality of the list was so high in the past, I believe, was
>>the ability of a subscriber to do sophisiticated filtering so as to only see
>>the threads and/or posters considered worthwhile. Now we have to do this in
>>our own mail programs, which means downloading everything.

David McFadzean replied:

>I'm not sure what is so bad about "downloading everything" if you have
>filters set up on the client side. Does it take a long time via modem?

Yes -- I often use a microcomputer with only a 14.4 Kb modem, so if I check
in and a hundred or so messages are waiting, it's a pain. Maybe I'll just
have to opt out until I get a better link.

            Gregory Stock,

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