Re: One NanoDream, Deconstructed

From: Dr. Rich Artym (
Date: Thu Oct 03 1996 - 19:03:03 MDT

In message <>, Robin Hanson writes:

> >> If such a device were smaller than a house,
> >Size not relevant.
> What if the device took the size of a planet?

That's actually a very good question. Once we get into planetary sizes
then the solutions begin to change, not because it can't be done one atom
or group at a time from the outside of the mega-item under construction,
but because the feedstock obviously has to have planetary mass. If we're
merely rearranging groups without net gain or loss of constituent atoms
and under the blessing of a favourable energy equation (a highly unlikely
situation, it seems to me) then OK, it's easy, but in all other scenarios
then either the planet-sized feedstock or the planet-sized detritus or
both are going to create extreme complications.

Yes, a very good question to ask, Robin!

[PS. How about moving into the transhuman list some of these general
transhuman issues that are not specifically and exclusively Extropian?]


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