RE: Ideas for Worlds in post-uploading VR or city structures

From: Steve Pruitt (
Date: Tue Oct 01 1996 - 09:13:05 MDT

the school of architecture at the university of texas/austin was, at one time, very active
in designing virtual spaces. michael benedikt was the principle investigator.


I realize, I was talking about designs for city structures in the real world
and environment designs in upload VR.

>What is possible, is limited solely by your imagination, and the
>computation/minimal signal latency constraints achievable. (The latter
>only if you are concerned with efficiency reasons).

Yes and I want to know people's fantasy worlds or what type of environment
they'd like to live in. The latter dealt with designs for city structures in
the real world.

>Trying to predict, how artificial reality will look like, which Beings it
>will inhabit, and by which motivations these Beings will be driven
>(economies?!) is quite quite a loss of time. Because artificial Beings
>will be different.

Of course things will be completely different but why not fantacize (sp?)
now and use our creativity to come up with some good ideas on general design
themes so that we can begin building our worlds right after we're uploaded
having already thought the design through and as we get closer we can add to
it and make it more vivid? Also you meantion loss of time. What do you mean
loss of time? The singularity is right around the corner and you or I can do
nothing to stop it even if we wanted to. What could stop the singularity?
Hire a hitman to take out Eric Drexler? Traces of Terminator 2.

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