Re: >H More On The Transhuman\Extropian Art Mailing List

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Sun Sep 29 1996 - 18:33:12 MDT

On 28/09/96, James Snapp wrote:

>having an arts thread is good for the list. Among other things, it exposes
>us to a "meme" we might otherwise overlook. On other lists it is not
>uncommon to have a constant thread that all know has a particular slant,
>whether it be *forsale* or whatever.

        Thanks for that. There was one thing I forgot to mention. Having a
transhuman\extropian art ML shouldn't bar art threads from the other lists.
I think that art threads on the transhuman ML and the extropian ML are
great. They most certainly would have a larger audience, as well as maintain
an artistic 'left brain' side to both lists. My suggestion for having TEAML
(acronym), is for the ones who would enjoy topics centered on >H and
extropian art. My intention for the list is having it more as a specific
forum --kind of like having a cryonics or nanotechnology ML. Most who would
be on the TEAML would (and should) probably be on the >H or extropian list
as well. I presume there would not be too many messages per day...enough to
warrant a mailing list of this sort.

>On the other hand, if YOU want to be participating more with other
>artists, perhaps a list already exists that would be rewarding for you. Of
>course I would still encourage your posts to the >human list!

        I'm sure there's another art ML somewhere; probably quite a few art
MLs, but nothing like a transhuman\extropian art ML. The main reason I am
subscribed to the transhuman and extropian lists is because I agree with the
vast majority of the topics conveyed. Brain candy. However, a scientist I
am not, an artist I am. Why I would like to see TEAML get off the ground
(pun definately intended :-)) is because I know that the ones subscribed
will have very similar opinions as my own. People who share the same
philosophical meme as me will have more of an understanding of what I am
trying to convey. If I was to use the word 'automorph' (coined by our good
friend Natasha V. More --extropian artist extraordinaire) in one of my poems
and place it on another art ML, most -if not all- readers wouldn't be able
to grok it. As is, a few of my poems such as "Unanimous Consent", "Best Do
It So", and "Casual Nobility" among others have brought forth comments of
misunderstanding by the readers. If there was a mailing list for transhuman
and extropian artists, there would be a forum for knowledgable discussion of
artwork --both from on and off the list. In effect, I have just gotten back
from a bit of a weekend 'sojourn' and I will continue my research on MLs and
carry on with my FAQ. Responses of any sort are always highly valued.

                                        Ingredi Externus!

                                                -E. Shaun Russell

E. Shaun Russell Extropian poet\musician

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