Re: SCI and ECON Nanotech

From: Dr. Rich Artym (
Date: Wed Sep 25 1996 - 18:04:15 MDT

In message <>, Lyle Burkhead writes:

> Creating nanites is isomorphic to creating reprogrammable termites.

Lyle, demonstrating isomorphism takes more than just saying you see it.
I see no real isomorphism between your analogies and MNT, so the premise
seems completely wrong to me and therefore so do your conclusions. It's
even worse than that actually, because you first make a point of choosing
living animates to make your analogy and then somehow make the unjustified
leap that your choice can be used to *infer* similar capabilities in nano.
It was *YOUR CHOICE*, it didn't fall out from some independent line of
reasoning, so the properties of that choice certainly can't be used to
indicate the properties of something that is quite unrelated.


###########  Dr. Rich Artym  ================  PGP public key available
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