Re: The Singularity and Nanotechnology

From: Dr. Rich Artym (
Date: Thu Sep 26 1996 - 16:46:14 MDT

In message <>, Robin Hanson writes:

> >Well, I've tried twice now, but you still evade the point completely.
> >It's not just the products that will become easy and cheap to produce,
> >but the blinking MEANS OF PRODUCTION too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> ...
> I'll say this one last time. These are just baldface claims, which
> you have not bothered to argue for.

Well, there we have it: you don't want to address the fact that placing
the means of production into the hands of everyman and making the cost
of the means of production tend towards zero both completely undermine
the existing economic structures by removing the trade that drives them.
I don't need to *argue* that --- it should be obvious that trade is the
lifeblood of the economy.

Surely you don't want *that* argued, do you?

I'm puzzled at what you're trying to achieve by avoiding the issue.


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