extropians-digest V1 #60 -Reply

From: by way of David McFadzean (Tim_Robbins@aacte.nche.edu)
Date: Thu Sep 26 1996 - 09:06:15 MDT

Regarding the cover-up conspiracies of a Navy missile shooting down
TWA 800. Is this relevant for the issue of government cover-ups? Or is
there something extropian I'm missing. Being a Washingtonian, and
knowing plenty of people in gov, I can tell you, they're just people. And
the military is just people too, with a somewhat lower mean IQ than the
other gov departments. The idea that people who work for the
government *suddenly* have the ability and resources to cover-up the
biggest secrets and fiascos is a fallacy of disempathy. Do you think the
gov is smarter than people at the New York Times or CNN? Do you think
all those involved in the investigation have the exact same ethical matrix?
 And another thing that is inherent--no one can keep a secret long.
Because a big secret is major leverage in a town based on influence. It
gets used for leverage over and over again, until it becomes tattered and
exposed. And the current people are well aware that a cover-up is
more disastrous to political collateral than exposing the truth. The big
guys can always find a scapegoat to take the rap for a mess-up, but a
real cover-up always leads to the top, they don't want that. Do you
really think Clinton would take the risk of being involved in the biggest
cover-up of the decade during an election year, when the truth exposed
would just result in the sacking of some navy brass? Get logical here,
please. Remember, the X-files is just television, filmed in Vancouver B.C.

-TLR (a.k.a -- Senior Naval Public Relations Attache to the White House)

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