META: Extropian list archive non-functional?

From: Gregory Sullivan (
Date: Mon Sep 23 1996 - 02:52:37 MDT

  This topic may have been discussed before and I apologize if it has been.
Normally, I would search the archives before raising a topic, but I am
unable to do so currently - indeed that is the central point of this message.

  I have been trying to read the extropian list by periodically examining
the web archive. The web interface and storage capacity are potentially
superior to my current e-mail capabilities. There may be many people who
wish to intermittently read the archive. Unfortunately, the archive appears
to be non-functional. Several weeks ago the updating process stopped and
now the archived messages have disappeared.

  It is possible that the archives have been moved; however, no forwarding
information has been provided at the location that has been used previously.
Also, the pointer at the Extropy Institute web site still points to the
non-functional archive site.

  Perhaps a note could be placed at the archive indicating when it will
become operational again - or if it will become operational. Of course, it
costs nothing to join the extropian list and I suspect the archive is a
volunteer effort so this message is not intended to be hypercritical.

  There is a core file at the location designated by the URL Perhaps some process died.

  The web archive of the transhuman list also appears to have been
discontinued months ago, unfortunately.

  I am sending this note to the list, in part, because I am interested in
whether or not others find the web archives valuable for reading the list.

  Gregory Sullivan

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