saniterians and magnets (was Re>H poor man's uploading)

From: Rikard Gothäll (
Date: Fri Sep 20 1996 - 10:11:00 MDT

>In one documented case a floor-washing machine has been yanked into the
>magnet... I shudder to think what would happen if you happened to stand
>between the magnet & the machine at that moment... Great fun.
>Squashed human sandwich.

I've heard about a similar case in sweden where a saniterian got her trolley
attached to one of those things.

I wonder i f it is a mem.

Rikard "Transhuman newbie and lurker" Gothäll , Sweden

Rikard Gothäll 1996-09-19 23:43:37
"Use the mouse, Luke" -- Obi Wan Gates

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