Re: Strange Matter as Planetary Warfare

From: Dr. Rich Artym (
Date: Wed Sep 18 1996 - 19:22:31 MDT

In message <199609171906.MAA29788@pure.PureAtria.COM>, Ray Peck writes:

> In one of his books (Breakfast of Champions I think, but it's been a
> long time) a new crystaline form of water is made or discovered, which
> is solid at room tempurature. It "freezes" any water that comes in
> contact with it. The world ends.

I haven't read that one, but the classic SF about this theme is of course
Vonnegut's "Cat's Cradle", which goes way back to '63. The stuff is called
'ice-nine' there, but it's almost incidental to the main theme, Bokononism.
A quaintly entertaining book, which I reread every few years.


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