CATO event: cybercast

From: Max More (
Date: Wed Sep 18 1996 - 12:13:44 MDT

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 17:54:21 -0400
>From: Cato Institute <>
>Subject: Cato Event
>RE: Internet Conference Cybercast (
>September 16, 1996
>Dear Friend:
>I'm writing to invite you to listen to the cybercast of a morning conference
>on Internet Regulation that we are holding at the Cato Institute on Friday,
>September 20 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time. We have a terrific
>program lined up, and we do hope you'll decide to listen in.
>As you know, the Internet promises users unprecedented individual control
>over information. It is at once a tool for universal communication, a new
>form of media, and a new way of doing business. But it is also a challenge
>to lawmakers and regulators. Existing laws cannot easily be applied to the
>Internet and appear doomed to failure. Do we need a new set of laws or will
>voluntary private action ensure order on the information superhighway?
>Cato's "Regulation or Private Ordering? The Future of the Internet"
>conference will bring together leading authorities on law, regulation, and
>technology to discuss the problems of adapting existing law to the Internet
>and to explore private alternatives to regulation. Can private ordering
>consistent with individual freedom forestall a government backlash against
>perceived Internet chaos?
>You will find a schedule with our line-up of speakers at
> The cybercast, courtesy of
>AudioNet, will begin at 8:30 a.m. (ET) on September 20 at
> Just point your RealAudio capable browser
>to that address and click on the "listen" button. That's all there is to it!
>Hope to "see" you there.
>Aaron Lukas
>Manager of Information Services
>Cato Institute

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