Re: 100% Natural

From: Dr. Rich Artym (
Date: Fri Sep 13 1996 - 01:46:36 MDT

In message <>, David Musick writes:

> The first is very direct: the realization that EVERYTHING is natural,
> including humans and their technology. [snip]
> Then you bring up lots of things that are 100% natural, but are seen as very
> bad, like malarya and other horrible diseases. Starving to death ... [snip]
> ... "Dog shit is 100% natural too, but I'm not gonna eat it!" Poisonous
> mushrooms ... [snip] ... botulism (food poisoning) is much better ... [etc]

A great article, David! The "natural is good" meme has been around for
a long time, keeping kindred company with the "traditional is good" one.
I suspect that they'll always be there, along with many others myths and
Ludditish or conservative/regressive tendencies, because a substantial
proportion of people simply don't like the shifting sands of change.
It's not always a predisposition though: fairly often they get the raw
end of the deal, making a negative attitude to change inevitable.

As part of the fight against the regressive memes, perhaps we can
package up some of your points into a number of pointed signatures ...
like "Natural is good: Buy EcoMart Botulism, 100% guaranteed!".

> Does the Second Coming have anything to do with multiple orgasms?

For a lot of people, the answer is undoubtedly "Yes". (:-(


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