Re: Archologies

From: Dr. Rich Artym (
Date: Wed Sep 11 1996 - 01:49:15 MDT

In message <>,
E. Shaun Russell replies:

> On 8\9\1996, Tim Robbins wrote:
> >Okay, I know Max Moore is going to pummel me on this one, but are we
> >all sticking to the party line that FTL travel is really impossible? Even
> >teleportation?
> I don't think we should rule *anything* out at this point in time.
> I don't like the word 'impossible', I see it as more of an assumption than
> anything convincing. In other words, I'm not ruling out any possiblility of
> Faster-Than-Light travel.

Ruling things out doesn't come into it: science doesn't work that way.
The current theories of science rule out FTL travel, but that's all, only
the theories do so --- we don't have any idea what reality herself allows
or doesn't allow. Tomorrow we may have another theory, and when we test
its hypotheses, reality may choose not to disagree with them. Only time
will tell, and the lesson of history is most definitely that the word
"impossible" should be used with extreme caution and lots of disclaimers.


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