
From: Dr. Rich Artym (
Date: Sat Sep 07 1996 - 06:37:19 MDT

In message <322F0FA5@MS-SMTPGatewayPC>, Crosby_M writes:

> I'm not an expert on the anonymous forwarding service but I noticed that I
> didn't get a message from them until I posted something.

I'm just guessing here, but since I never posted anything *knowingly*
to or through penet, yet I *did* once receive a message allocating me
a penet 'nym and have received a whole pile of these shutdown messages,
I deduce that when somebody subscribed to the list through his or her
penet address, then whenever the rest of us posted to the list we were
automatically posting through penet (blind via the list exploder), so
naturally penet allocated each of us an individual 'nym so that any
replies to us would be anonymized.

This suggests that just about everyone active here is registered at
penet, albeit mainly unwittingly through response 'nyms.

'Just a hypothesis. Evidence to the contrary welcome.

PS. This sounds like a good time to set up anonymous remailers at every
non-PTT ISP around the world, as a way of rubbing the Finnish authorities'
noses in the pointlessness of their actions. If there are any remailer
experts here, I'd appreciate advice on which remailers are the most secure
(the primary consideration) and the easiest to set up (important if one is
trying to get this service popularized).


###########  Dr. Rich Artym  ================  PGP public key available
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# ->ampr  #  AMPR    : rich@g7exm[.uk] BBS:GB7MSW
# ->NTS   #  Fun     : Unix, X, TCP/IP, kernel, O-O, C++, SoftEng, Nano
###########  More fun: Regional IP Coordinator Hertfordshire + N.London

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