Re: The Great Squirrel

From: Jay Reynolds Freeman (
Date: Fri Aug 30 1996 - 23:34:14 MDT

    "Jay Reynolds Freeman" is the name the Squirrel was given by his
parents. He is the "First Extropian Squirrel" by virtue of a
discussion several years ago in which he was a staunch advocate of
environmentalism and animal rights.

    The Squirrel introduced himself as a download from the high
transcend, here associating with beings with mere Jupiter-sized brains
out of a perverse interest in slumming.

    Many list members no doubt find the Squirrel's real name
bothersome, for his favorite economic system is socialism, he prefers
a strong central government, and he regards libertarianism and
anarcho-capitalism as ludicrous. He reads the list out of an interest
in the science and technology, and is usually polite enough to avoid
its discussions of political economy. His .sig files have upon
occasion been controversial.

    Upward and outward...

                            -- Jay Freeman, First Extropian Squirrel

         Socialized Medicine, Gun Control, Progressive Income Tax,
                       Wicca, Small Furry Animals

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