Re: Offending People's Minds

Date: Sun Aug 25 1996 - 07:39:09 MDT

          Sarah Marr wrote:
>How can one speak in a way which is uncompromisingly
>objective and yet intend to from clearly subjective
>feelings of repugnance?
          I think you have a point there. What I meant was that if
          somebody speaks uncompromisingly objectively, and by doing
          so sometimes utters things which by normal standards are
          repugnant, than I get delighted because I see intellectual
          honesty triumphing over prejudice. I do not mean that the
          ideal communication should positively seek to be
>"Stupid" is a highly emotive word.
          Exactly. But if we used it as if it weren't, then the
          emotive connotation might wear off.
>---collateral damage to Extropianism as a whole
          Yes, that's what I'm concerned about. Transhumanism is weird
          enough anyway; perhaps we should not make it even stranger
          by adopting an offensive jargon.
          Now, I am saddened by the reception of my message by some of
          the other people on this list. It's my fault. In order to
          make my point I thought that I should pick an example that
          really was offensive. Well, it seems I succeeded only too
          well. Let me say again, just to make sure that there be no
          misunderstandings: I am NOT a racist. And I do not think we
          should discuss the topic further. My apologies to "Damaged
          Justice", Howard Julien, Pat Hardy and anybody else whom I
          may have misled by my original reply to David Musick.
          Nicholas Bostrom

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