Re: The Great Filter

Date: Sat Aug 17 1996 - 09:16:08 MDT

          Robin Hanson wrote:
>No question that you could still "grow" and learn by using
>a bounded amount of computational hardware for an unbounded
          What do you mean? If there are only finitely many states,
          you would sooner or later either come back to an earlier
          state or reach a stasis. So you mean that the bound is not
          on the number of states?
          (Off topic: This has an associative connection to the claim
          made by Anders a couple of weeks ago (Re:The Dividing
          Neuron), and recently cited by Crosby_M, that there is no
          correlation between intelligence and the number of neurons
          in the brain. That is almost certainly false. I have seen
          estimates ranging from .1 to .3 for the correlation between
          human head size and IQ. Brain weight correlates even
          stronger. It therefore seems reasonable to suppose that
          #neurons also correlates significantly with IQ. My guess is
          that if one would count the neurons in the different areas
          of the brain and weigh these numbers with those areas'
          contribution to general intelligence, one would come up with
          a correlation coefficient of at least .3 or .4.)
          Niklas Bostrom

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