POL/SCIFI: L. Neil Smith's Webley page

From: Russell Whitaker (whitaker@extropia.corp.sgi.com)
Date: Thu Aug 15 1996 - 16:38:55 MDT

I'm delighted to see that the libertarian writer who contributed
the most to my thinking on the deep nature of freedom, science
fiction author L. Neil Smith, now has a home for his essays on
the web:


Very highly recommended reading.

"An armed society is a polite society." - Robert Heinlein

"Here the ways of men part:  if you wish to strive for peace of
 soul and pleasure, then believe; if you wish to be a devotee
 to truth, then inquire..."  - Nietzsche
Russell Earl Whitaker	                       whitaker@sgi.com
Webmaster, Silicon Junction
Silicon Graphics, Inc.	                      Mountain View, CA

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