Re: Three inner-earth heresies

From: Extropian Agro Forestry Ventures Inc. (
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 22:52:31 MST

Once we get the transhuman engineering up and running we can develop new
species specialized to life on less hospitable worlds. Places like Jupiter
and Saturn might not be that bad. Just going there and leaving alive and
communication are not
yet feasible. There may be non-organic devices able to use novel
communication means like X-ray generators able to pioneer/explore.


Harvey Newstrom wrote:

> On Monday, December 30, 2002, at 08:07 pm, Technotranscendence wrote:
> > That's it! I'm packing my suitcases tonight for another world -- one
> > with more than a billion year supply of water. Who's with me?:)
> I'm there! I've got my ice plutino already picked out. Water to
> drink, Hydrogen to burn, Oxygen to breath, dirt to farm. Ready to go!
> There are thousands if not tens of thousands of these user-friendly
> planetoids just waiting for colonization. Last one there is an
> Earthling!
> > Best wishes for 2003!
> I repeat these sentiments for all! Happy New Year! Make 2003 your
> year, everybody!
> --
> Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>

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