Re: Another Hypothesis

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 15:23:00 MST

On Mon, 30 Dec 2002, John K Clark wrote:

> I really don't think I need to read more because if true writing the
> above or even just reprinting it would mean the Thought Police would
> be pounding on your door right about now ready to drag you off to the
> Ministry Of Love. Amara, do you hear anybody knocking on your door? I

While people criticizing the current administration have been harassed,
don't you think it will be a little too late when you arrive at that

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the communists
and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me -
and by then there was no one left to speak out for me.

> thought not. Saying publicly "we live in a banana republic" is a

Actually, I do think US is a banana republic by now. So we have a somewhat
less-than-charismatic successor to the throne which has to fix some loose
ends daddy couldn't. Sure, even with the vote fraud (irregularities in a
southern chronical porkbarrel state run by a yet another relative) it was
a pretty fair vote. Albeit a bit low on choices, but it's hardly specific
for the US.

Apropos of nothing, here's some satire (caution, 35 MBytes file) for you:

Should have done it with BitTorrent, but what the heck, the ISP can handle
the extra traffic.

> little like saying "Are you illiterate? I can help, write to me for
> details."

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