RE: When Should Cloning be Permitted?

From: Rafal Smigrodzki (
Date: Sun Dec 29 2002 - 16:02:52 MST

Lee Corbin wrote:

> You live in a certain community, and read about the amazing
> developments occurring in certain other communities. I call
> to your attention two such, A and B, which are otherwise
> identical except in matters pertaining to cloning. (In both
> communities, there is a shortage of children and a high rate
> of infertility.)
> In A, cloning attempts are permitted only on animals, until
> such time as 100% of cloning attempts result in perfectly
> normal animals. Only then will cloning be allowed for
> humans.
> In B, cloning of human beings is also permitted, but abortions
> of faulty humans are allowed up to the end of the second
> trimester. While quite a number of people have been successfully
> cloned, for each success approximately ten abortions take place.
> Two questions: (1) which legal structure most closely meets
> with your approval? (2) which community more closely meets
> your ethical or moral standards?
### B to both questions, no ifs ands or buts.


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