Date: Sun Dec 29 2002 - 02:13:08 MST

Jay Dugger  noted:

<<Perhaps, but the earliest reference I know comes from J.D. Bernal's
"The World, the Flesh and the Devil: An Enquiry into the Future of the
Three Enemies of the Rational Soul," (1929!) which you can find here.

<A HREF="">> >>

Yes, an excellent work. I am just contending that this Singularity, this
replacement of the human condition, would work more efficiently with humans
then without. Can a highspeed processor, or software consider what is
valuable and what is not? Depends of the programming. For programming, on the
fly, what could be better then human awareness. There may be something, but
right now it appears to me as quite useful, as a component (willing) for

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