Re: Cryptonomicon and Extropians

From: Brett Paatsch (
Date: Sat Dec 28 2002 - 21:28:27 MST

Rafal Smigrodzki wrote:
> I finished reading the "Cryptonomicon" today. An excellent book.

Yes! I thought it was quite educational for a work of fiction.

> Stephenson claims it is not in the least a roman a clef but
> repeated references to a group called "Eutropians" make me
> think otherwise.

I also recall the bracelets with instructions for cryonic procedures
as suggestive of some deep drinking from a particular meme pool too.

> Are there any prominent Extropians who wear black cowboy hats,
> and are deep into crypto? Is there a Scandinavian cryonicist and
> hacker who suffered injuries in his workplace,
> possibly due to an imploding monitor?

Not having attended any of the EXTRO meets I don't know if you
are being coy here or not. But plausible candidates to fit both
profiles come readily to mind. :-)


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