76'th update on fly longevity experiments

From: Doug Skrecky (oberon@vcn.bc.ca)
Date: Sat Dec 28 2002 - 11:40:41 MST

    This is the 76'th update of my fly longevity experiments. Average
temperature was 25.5 C during this run. This run tests whether the
relatively good survival obtained with the combination of 125 mg
acetyl-L-carnitine, and 25 mg lipoic acid in run #73, was due to chance or
    The present results indicate that this fortuitous result was indeed
due to chance. Both runs indicate that acetyl-L-carnitine by itself
slightly reduces longevity. This run indicates that 100 lipoic acid may
act to slightly increase survival.

Run #76 Percent Survival on Day
supplement 5 10 15 21 28 33 40 45 52
control 100 79 79 63 16 5 5 0 -
acetyl-L-carnitine 63 mg 100 56 44 44 13 0 - - -
ALC 63 mg + lipoic 25 mg 92 69 65 38 15 12 4 4 0
ALC 63 mg + lipoic 100 mg 100 75 75 70 50 15 5 0 -
acetyl-L-carnitine 125 mg 95 52 57 57 24 19 0 - -
ALC 125 mg + lipoic 25 mg 94 76 65 53 18 12 0 - -
ALC 125 mg + lipoic 100 mg 100 82 82 71 53 18 6 0 -

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