RE: Siege mentality was RE: Another Hypothesis

From: Rafal Smigrodzki (
Date: Fri Dec 27 2002 - 20:09:03 MST

Samantha wrote:

>> ### So how will radiation sensors help you deal with dirty bombs, if
>> at the same time you are making strenuous efforts to respect the
>> privacy of the bomb makers?
> So, you would treat everyone like a bomb maker just to be
> "safe"? Is that it?
### No, I'll treat the bomb makers like bomb makers, and everybody else as
they deserve, once I see which is which.

>> -----
>>> Constant vigilance is what automation is for. There's nothing very
>>> heroic in a distributed society. The defense is purely passive; and
>>> hence will work regardless of whatever you're deploying. As long as
>>> you're not dropping ecovorous nanoplagues, or planet crackers.
> So tell me how to apply constant vigilance to preserving
> freedom. K? Cause otherwise your constant vigilance sounds
> like being utterly powerless and at the mercy of the State.
> "Safety" isn't worth that to me. Not remotely.

### You are referring to a quote from Eugen here. Let him answer.

>> ### Why should a smart terrorist waste time on symbols, Federal
>> Buildings, Pentagons, and WTC's, if with a sniper gun he can bring
>> the whole capital to its knees before being finally caught (not by
>> sniper sensors, but by snoops, spooks, snitches, and ubiquitous
>> surveillance).
> So let's treat everyone like a sniper. Thanks, Mr. Sniper, for
> the lesson. See how well we have learned it.

### As I said, it's the exact opposite of what you say - only once you see
who the sniper is, you can deal with him, otherwise you *have to* be afraid
of every passing car. And I said this long before Mr and Mr Sniper emerged
on the scene.

Give Osama another 19 jerks willing to die for Allah, to drive to a mall,
shoot somebody, drive to another county, shoot somebody else, once a week,
then go to NY, stab somebody in a dark alley, leave an identification object
(a copy of the Koran maybe), and keep up God's work until caught - this
would be a drawn-out pandemonium, without a good system of surveillance it
would last for months. By then 99% of the population would have learned the

> - samantha
> p.s. After XMAS blues. What's your excuse?

### It's just the same old me, an avowed transparentist.


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