DEBATE: all bow down before the Google

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Fri Dec 27 2002 - 08:03:56 MST

An alternate subject might be "A strange thing happened on the
way to the Forum" (which I think is an old movie title).

Recently on the Europa Icepick mailing list, there was a post
pointing out that plutonium was the most recent superconductor.
There ensued a number of posts in which I questioned whether the
T_sc would be known for all of the isotopes of Pu (there are something
like 16 with varying rates of decay) and another (well respected)
individual said they should all be the same. We went back and forth
on this (neither of us being experts in superconductivity) several times.

Then I got the bright idea of asking Google. A simple search on
"superconductivty isotope" turned up a fair number of papers.
It turns out effect of the isotope has been studied with at least
isotopes of O, Mg and Si (in various different types of superconductors).
[I'm actually rather amazed that we have isotope separation abilities
in that many elements.] I didn't even have to go past the first page.
There *is* a difference in the T_sc temperature in materials composed
of different isotopes though the effect seems to be only a few deg. K.

Two conclusions:
1. Ask Google -- it knows more than any of us if you can figure out
   how to extract the data.

2. There ought to be an interesting cartoon using their christmas icon
   (see the Google home page) with someone holding a shotgun in front
    of the animals saying "Answer my question or *else*!").

Those of you with artistic skills might think of making up something
along these lines and sending it off to Google. I'm sure they would
enjoy it.


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