RE: Another Hypothesis

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Fri Dec 27 2002 - 01:34:20 MST

John K Clark wrote,
> "Samantha Atkins" <> Wrote:
> >Why on earth do you prattle on as if the only alternative
> >to doing whatever we please, whenever we please is to
> >be a total non-entity?
> Why settle for second best, it seems to me the ability to do whatever we
> please whenever we please is quite wonderful, especially if the things we
> do are good, like getting rid of the Taliban in Afghanistan a year ago.
> As for Iraq, there is no doubt that having Saddam assume room
> temperature would be a good thing for Iraq and the world.

Before getting rid of the Taliban we supported the Taliban. Before Iraq was
our enemy we supported them against Iran when they were the enemy. Before
Iran released our hostages, we made deals to give them arms. Before Osama
bin Laden was an enemy combatant he was a recipient of CIA support. Before
Noriega was arrested he was on the US secret payroll.

The CIA has switched sides or played both sides against the middle for so
long that most of these terrorist situations end up having our own resources
used against us. While the US is wondering why other countries aren't
supporting our war against terrorism, other countries are wondering why we
were training and supplying the terrorists in the first place.

It is a complicated situation and it is not clear that what the US does is
good. Most other countries don't like what the US is doing to them. Many
US citizens don't like what our government is doing to its own people. If
any foreign country suspended civil liberties and disregarded its own laws
and its own treaties the way the US is doing now, they would be declared a
rogue state.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>

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