Re: Another Hypothesis

From: Hubert Mania (
Date: Thu Dec 26 2002 - 09:38:24 MST

> Charlie Stross wrote:
> >
> > The headache I've got with the whole Iraq mess -- speaking as a
> > non-American -- is that the planned US invasion of Iraq is clearly an
> > attempt to gain a choke-hold on the remaining unexploited oil fields,
> > looks like a first step towards establishing an imperial hegemony. (And
> > it's being really badly managed, in terms of PR directed at the rest of
> > the world; from over here, the sabre-rattling emanating from the White
> > House is distastefully reminiscent of the noises coming out of Germany
> > Summer 1939 with respect to Poland.)

 Eliezer Yudkowski wrote:

> I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed that.

The German people has learned the hard way how it ends to invade a country
trying to establish an imperial hegemony. We could help you to take the
shorter route avoiding bloody streetfighting in Bagdad. I know at least two
friends of mine and myself who would forget their peace loving character
and hurry to liberate the American people from the Bush administration.
You just have to call out for help!

We already have one bridgehead on US territory: actor Sean Penn suggested,
true "patriotism" today meant to overthrow the present Government.

So please call out for help. The German people is a true friend of the US
people. We will set over the Atlantic and liberate you , just like your
grandfathers and fathers did 60 years ago with the German people. Promised.

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