Re: nineteen sixties

From: John K Clark (
Date: Thu Dec 26 2002 - 09:16:03 MST

"Samantha Atkins" <>

>the level of that feeling of emptinness and hype has not
>improved significantly. Take a look at anti-depressant
>prescription volume if you don't think so. Better yet,
>tell me how this culture feeds that which is most
>important to you and fuels you.

What era would you have rather be living in, the sixties? That was in the
middle of a long costly pointless war that was ultimately lost; and it
didn't matter if you thought the war was a good idea or not because the
draft existed and you'd still be forced to fight and die 12 thousand miles
from home; the didn't have the Internet either. The fifties? Racism was
considered perfectly respectable by most; the H bomb had just been invented
and politicians still didn't have a deep understanding about how powerful
they really were so the dagger of thermonuclear war was very high. The
forties? Half the world was trying to kill the other half. The thirties?
Great economic depressions are not my cup of tea. I wouldn't trade with any
time in the past; as for anti-depressant prescription, people take more of
them because they work better now.

   John K Clark

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