Re: Another Hypothesis

Date: Thu Dec 26 2002 - 06:01:32 MST

America as a world-devouring menace, and Saddam's Iraq as pitiful 1939
Poland? Ok. I don't see the necessity of the USA defining its role in the
world as some kind of global people-pleaser; every-ready to reasure and
consult withw anyone and everyone who makes a complaint.

My contention is, if the populace is going to hate you in the middle east, or
europe; they are going to hate you, no matter what you do. America as some
kind of intercontinental pretzel, bending to and fro, to the delight of its
critics, doesn't appeal to me. Fortunately, for this list, there are other,
voices, ready to define the US role in a more "flexible" way.


<<The headache I've got with the whole Iraq mess -- speaking as a
non-American -- is that the planned US invasion of Iraq is clearly an
attempt to gain a choke-hold on the remaining unexploited oil fields, and
looks like a first step towards establishing an imperial hegemony. (And
it's being really badly managed, in terms of PR directed at the rest of
the world; from over here, the sabre-rattling emanating from the White
House is distastefully reminiscent of the noises coming out of Germany in
Summer 1939 with respect to Poland.) If it succeeds it's going to breed
festering hatred in the middle east and extreme distrust in Europe,
where people have a somewhat more acute sense of paranoia about such
goings-on -- for good historical reasons.>>

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