RE: giant sheets in space?

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Wed Dec 25 2002 - 03:41:25 MST

On Tue, 24 Dec 2002, Lee Corbin wrote:

> There is too little risk taking at present, IMO, and
> indicates a too conservative mind set that civilization
> as a whole is falling into.

I agree. It is difficult to get funding for the more far out projects; it
is nearly impossible in the current relentless low-margin atmosphere in
industrial R&D. It encourages hard-liner local optimization, since a
mistake will make you go out of business on a few years scale. *Not* good.

I'm particularly appalled how little the global network and powerful
personal computers are being used as virtual bench and collaborative
infrastructure by individual end users. We do have a vibrant gamer
community, which will become even more so in the future, but all of it is
remarkably escapist.

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