Re: nineteen sixties

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Tue Dec 24 2002 - 13:58:19 MST

Lee Corbin wrote:
> Spike asks
>>What were the sixties about?
> and Harvey replied
>>The whole "New Age" movement was based on the idea that we were no longer
>>limited by history and the way things were. We had enough knowledge and
>>capability to remake the whole world, including ourselves, into any image we
>>desired. A million different versions of remaking the New Age appeared.
>>Religions, drugs, ecology, free-love, and politics were just some of the
>>tools used to try to remake the world.
> In a word, it was positively revolting.

Compared to today's status quo across all generations, it was a
wonderful if rather massively chaotic time. Less gelled out of
it that was hoped by many.

- samantha

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