Re: Newtonmas?

From: spike66 (
Date: Mon Dec 23 2002 - 21:46:51 MST

spike66 wrote:
> Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:
>> I had a smallpox vaccination in 1973, but I don't think
>> they last that long.
> Merry Christmas, dammit! > spike

Lee, when you destroyed my illusions about our saviour
Sir Isaac Newton having been born on 25 December I was
completely shattered.

However as I think it over, it comes as quite a
relief. We all know that kids who are born on or
near christmas are ripped off: their birthdays are
often neglected or forgotten in the competition with
the holiday season. The other kids get showered with
gifts *twice* each year, whereas the winter solstice
birthdays, well...

Suffice it to say many christmas babies develop a
complex, a deep seated desire to exact terrible
revenge upon the world. Most of the world's dictators
and despots were born in late December, you know.

Hoerkhiemer Christ and his twin brother Jesus were two
such examples of Christmas babies. The pent-up
rage boiled over one day, resulting in that ugly little
incident at the temple, where the moneychanger's tables
were overturned. See Matthew 21:12 and Mark 11:15.
Hoerkheimer was clearly having a case of Messiah syndrome.
History tells us he was mistaken for his much more laid
back twin brother, who was back at the carpentry shop
peacefully carving crucifixes during the whole riot.

I would hate to think Sir Isaac suffered so, going
on to invent calculus just to inflict bitter pain and
agony upon future generations of young scholars,
just because he failed to cash in on the toys every
year. spike

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