Re: Pedantry: RE: 1984

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Dec 23 2002 - 00:29:00 MST

Anders Sandberg wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 22, 2002 at 11:10:30AM -0800, Samantha Atkins wrote:
>>>>1984 should be required reading for all extropians.
> ...
>>Why? Reading the reviews I don't see much terribly extropic
>>about the book. On the face of it, it isn't the type of thing I
>>would normally go out of my way to read.
> Orwell is worth reading because it represents everything we are against
> - death, slavery, mindlessness and stasis. Reading it should fill one
> with anger against the awful trapped situation in the fictional world,
> and hope to change our own imperfect but infinitely more improveable
> systems to something better.

Oh, I see very fine reasons for reading Orwell's 1984,
especially now when we seem so keen on implementing such a
hellish state. But Delaney's "1984"? That I don't see so many
reasons to read.

- samantha

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