STEN CELLS: Out of the ethical swamp

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sun Dec 22 2002 - 03:55:39 MST

Well, I predicted this would take place (I will not cite
references, but people who interact with me frequently
know about my perspective).

Study: Stem Cells Could Bypass Ethical Quagmire
By Randy Dotinga
HealthScoutNews Reporter

Bottom line -- you can reprogram your own stem cells.

The question at this point will be to determine whether
the stem cells being reprogrammed are relatively speaking
your "perfect" genome -- that is a DNA sequencing or
polymorphism testing cost issue. It is best from a
repair/replacement standpoint that the genome be relatively
"perfect". But it seems likely that each of us should have
some of these cells so the issue is finding them.

Secondly, it isn't clear if the reprogramming is "universal".
More work will be required to see if you can turn proto-stem-cells
into only neurons or whether they can become muscle cells, kidney
cells, etc. It may be the case that adult stem cells are not
completely totipotent. That may not be a complete show stopper
though -- as the saying goes "half a loaf is better than none".

Morphing the Klingon Battle Oath -- "It is a good day to be alive"!


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